Coffee Espressos cappuccinos lattés
At Misty Mountain Coffee, we are always trying to get to know our customers as well as possible. And since coffee is our number one product, why not start there? Can you help us out by answering our question below? Feel free to add a comment or two as well 
So as you will have noticed, we just launched our brand new website! It's complete with a whole new set of functionality for us and our customers. We also think it's quite pretty. So explore a little, check out some of the great features we've built into our site:

- interactive map with restaurant location

- feedback survey

- leave encouraging and constructive comments (comments section)

- the menu, complete with the summer drink menu and much more

- our new blog feed for easy access to company updates and promotions

Check out our new app at
This is a sample post. We can put anything into this post, such as pictures and videos, maps, interactive elements, buttons, polls and surveys, contact